Emergency Maintenance for Aries Status: Scheduled
Priority - Critical Affecting Server - aries-rs| Directadmin

Good day

We have noted some concerning hardware issues on the Aries server, as a result we have built a replacement server and will be working to have customers moved to the new server urgently. The new server will have a different IP.

New IP address :
Attending : Hostking engineers
Summary  : Hardware Failure
Symptoms : Websites and email hosted on the affected server will be inaccessible during the maintenance window.

Planned maintenance for Plesk-1 Status: Scheduled
Priority - High

Planned maintenance: migration to new EPYC High performance servers migration with NVME Disks.

  • Attending: System Administrators
  • Summary: During the maintenance window, websites, mail and database will be intermittent.

  • Symptoms:This should not affect 99% of customers and they will hardly notice but for the 1% of customers that use Cloudflare or custom NS records on their domains, please contact our support team for the appropriate DNS records.
  • The servers new IP address will be ""


Server Status

Below is a real-time overview of our servers where you can check if there's any known issues.

Server Name STATUS
aries | Directadmin
aries-rs| Directadmin
cyclops| Directadmin
hercules | cPanel
mercury-plesk | Plesk
my-vps | SolusIO
pl-2 | Plesk
pl-3 | Plesk
pl-4 | Plesk
rogue | Directadmin
storm| Directadmin
wolverine | Directadmin